classic pottery wheel splash pan

Splash Pan

Splash Pan

Amaco has been making iconic ceramic and craft-related products in the USA since 1919. Amaco approached Glassboard to improve their classic pottery wheel splash pan. Glassboard conducted user-interviews that informed a revamped design to address ergonomic and reliability considerations for their long-standing customer base.

classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan





•Ethnographic Research

•Human Factors Engineering

•Industrial Design

•Mechanical Design

•Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

•Design for Manufacturing

•Production Support


The Glassboard design and mechanical teams were tasked with improving a beloved product with a dedicated customer base to better meet the needs our the end-users.


Our team conducted ethnographic research and translated those user need into a standout design featuring ergo-detach buttons, improved cleanability, improved material properties, and a longer life expectancy.


The splash pan instantly received a warm welcome with existing customers and attracted new customers longing for the new features built into the latest generation of Amaco splash pan. The timeless design is poised to serve Amaco customers for years to come.

classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan
classic pottery wheel splash pan


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Contact us with a brief description of what's on your mind. We'll schedule a call to discuss things in detail and create a tailored project plan that suits your needs.


Partner with us

Contact us with a brief description of what's on your mind. We'll schedule a call to discuss things in detail and create a tailored project plan that suits your needs.